Friday, May 12, 2006

My Son Is 10 Months Old Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is growing up too fast. It seems like only weeks have passed since I looked into his eyes for the first time. It's unbelievable how much he has changed, and grown. He can stand on his own now. He took two steps on May 10, so soon he will be walking. He is a very good crawler. He chases our dog and cat all over the place. He is more explorative than ever, and I am having a great time watching him explore the world. The look on his face when he sees something interesting for the first time is priceless. Another noticable change is how he displays affection. He hugs me so tight, and he gives me kisses. He still hasn't said Mommy, but it will come with time. Why rush him? It already makes me sad to see him grow up so fast. At the same time, I am excited for him, and I feel blessed to be a part of something so wonderful. He only says two words so far. They are daddy and hi. He speaks lots of baby talk. As I am typing he is talking to the cat. I don't know what he is saying, but my cat Jinxy seems to think it is interesting. We are getting pictures taken this afternoon. It is my tradition. Every month we get professional pictures taken. Some people say that there is no point in getting pictures taken so often, but I disagree. It's amazing seeing how much he grows month by month. Plus, to me pictures are priceless. I want to capture as many moments of his life as possible. One day, when he is grown, I will look back at my pictures and videos, and I will relive the most special days of my life. Every day I spend with Austin is a special day to me. Not one day passes that is not worthy of rememberance.


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