Friday, May 12, 2006

This Is Austin's Room!!!

My main goal when decorating Austin's room was to create a special space for him. I designed this room while I was pregnant, and it took lots of thinking and research. I hung a fern because ferns symbolize love. I also hung some disney characters on the wall because they are just like the ones my mommy hung in my room when I was a baby. I didn't want a generic room ,based on a theme. I basically used stuff I thought was cool that consisted of primary colors. He has a fish on a corner shelf, out of reach. The fish's name is Ernie. He also has a hampster named Simon. He is way to young to play with Simon, but he really enjoys watching him spin around in his wheel. Austin laughs at Simon a lot. I labeled the animals homes (aquarium and cage) with colorful letters to help my son understand that they have names, and the names are represented by letters. He is too young to understand that at this point, but it won't be long before he will learn what letters are and the connection they make to form words.


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