Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Who's The Coolest Baby In The World?????

Austin Levi's First Days!!!

Ain't I Cute????

These are some pictures I thought were very cute. Of course, my son looks good in every picture ever taken.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Austin's Easter

Austin had a great Easter. I decorated with balloons, and I made posters. I also dyed 4 dozen eggs. Needless to say, I went a little overboard. Austin had three Easter baskets. One from grandma, great grandma, and me. Plus, he got tons of presents. It was practically like Christmas for him. I hid plastic eggs inside for him to find, and he found most of them. He is oly 9 months old, so I didn't really hide the eggs. I sat them in places he was likely to look. I made a video of the entire event, basket opening, gift giving, the egg hunt, and anything else that went on that day. I placed some eggs outside, hoping he would go right to them, but getting a baby to go to an Easter egg can be a little tricky. I came up with a genius idea, and it really worked. I let my dog Pinny off her leash, and I threw dog treats to her, next to each egg. I would throw a treat next to an egg, and she would instantly go to retreive her treat. Austin, who loves her, crawled to her every single time. He observed the eggs, even touched some of them, but I never could get him to pick one up. Overall, it was a lot of fun. If you have a baby who is able to crawl, I recommend trying the doggie treat trick.

Me And My Husband: Is The Mood Good Or Bad???

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Books You and Your Child Will Both Love

I Love You All The Time
by Jessica Elin Hirschman & Jennifer Elin Cole

Guess How Much I Love You
by Sam McBratney

I Love You Because You're You
by Liza Baker

ABC I Love You
by P.K. Hallinan

Just Me and My Mom
by Mercer Mayer

Trying to Teach Your Child To Swim???? Need some professional advice you can rely on???

Buy This Book:

Learn To Swim
by Rob and Kathy McKay

Friday, April 14, 2006

Check These Out!!!

Free Daily Horoscope

Free Instant Weather

Free Music

Planning A Birthday Party????

I have an awesome pool party planned for my son on July 15, 2005. I customized my ideas, making them original. After the party I will post pictures and list all my decorations, games, recipes, and prizes. I have compiled a list of the sites that will help. Good luck with your birthday bash!!!

Check Out:

Isn't He Prescious???

I picked up my most recently ordered pictures today, and I have some great photos. So great, in fact, that I want to share them with you. The star in these photos is my nine month old son, Austin Levi. He is developing his own personality, and that makes picture taking very interesting and fun for me. I have considered entering him in some baby contests or enrolling him with a modeling agency, but I don't know if it is a good idea. I used to model, and I did beauty pagents, but I was old enough to decide for myself that it was something I wanted to do. He isn't old enogh to make his own decisions. I think it would certainly help him form a positive self image. What do you think? Is modeling a good idea for a baby? If you've had a first hand experience, bad or good, please tell me about it. Even if you haven't, I would like your opinion. Any imput is appreciated.

To see more pictures of my son visit:

Pinny Louise King- The World's Greatest Dog

This is Pinny Lou. She will be two on September 13, 2006. She is a Min Pin. She is family to me and my son. He loves her. Unlike most children, he pets her and loves on her. He laughs hysterically at her all the time. The way they interact is amazing. Pinny's favorite things to do are walk, play with her toys, and go everywhere I go. Do you have a favorite pet? Do you have a Min Pin similar to her? Whatever species your pet comes from, I am interrested to hear about him or her.All shared comments and stories are appreciated

If you need information on the best way to care for your pet, or if you have any concerns, visit:


Ever Lost Something Really Important???

I am photo freak. Since my son was born in July, I have taken nearly 800 pictures, not to mention all the videos I've made. My 1G media card would only hold 500 pictures, so I transfered them to my computer, cleared the media card, and started taking pictures like crazy again. I had 169 pictures that were taken since January and several videos on my media card, and I submitted the photos to ge developed. I picked up 232 pictures I had taken with my mom's camera that same day. Anyway, I completed my order, and my son was fussing really badly. I almost left without completing the order because of his behavior, but I managed to get it placed. Due to the hectic situation I forgot my memory card in the machine. I didn't realize until later that night, and by then it was gone. I was depressed all day yesterday because of this. Picture taking is more than a hobby to me. It is a way to capture a moment, and with my son I want to capture every moment of his life possible because he is growing up so fast. Pictures are sacred to me. I have thousands of pictures I've collected through my life, since kindergarten. This may seem crazy, but if my house was on fire I would first grab my son, yell for my dog and cat, and get them outside to safety. Then when I went in to try and save what I could, the first things I would grab are my pictures, especially the canvases on my wall. I picked the prints up today, and I had them backed up on a cd, so it isn't that big of a loss, but I still freaked out over it. Have you ever had something like this happen to you? What is sacred to you???

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Family Dog

My son loves this dog a lot. Her name is Pinny Louise King. She is a Min Pin. She will be two years old on September 13, 2006. He sits next to her and pets her. Unlike most children, he has never acted violently toward an animal. Before Austin could crawl he would chase Pinny in his walker, yelling at her and busting into fits of laughter. He is constantly laughing at her. Now that he crawls he constantly wants to crawl to her. She is so attached to me that when I was pregnant I was afraid she wouldn't adjust well to a new baby. I was wrong, and I am glad.

Being A Mom And A Student

I am only currently taking two classes, but next semester I am taking five. I thought it would be really hard to be a good mom and make good grades, but I was totally wrong. The trick is to involve your child in your studying. I read my chapters out loud to him when he is awake. I make flashcards to prepare for tests, and I quiz myself outloud to my son during his meal times. He seems to enjoy this. Ironically, having my son has improved my study habits. I have to get up early in the morning, and without him I would probably spend a lot more time sleeping. I take advantage of his nap times, however. When he naps, I usually always nap too. One difficult thing to do is write a paper when he is awake. I usually do those types of assignments when he is asleep. Right now I have a 4.0 GPA. I have got 100% on three of my last four tests. Another reason for my success is becuase my son gives me a reason to do my best. I want to accomplish my goal to complete school and get my dream job so that our future is secure. I need to have a career to fall back on that is prominent enough that if necessary I could support myself and my son without my husband's income. As of now, I rely on my husband a lot. I am a little nervous about next semesters course load, but mostly I am worried about being away from him three days out of the week, each for 8 hours.

My Beautiful Family

These are three of my favorite pictures. These were taken professionally. The family picture displays me, my husband Larry, and our son Austin. Isn't he adorable? We get professional pictures taken monthly. Austin was six months old in these pictures. He is now nine months old. We had a picture taken yesterday for his nine month birthday. To me, nothing is more meaningful or valuable than photographs. Since Austin's birth, I have taken nearly 1,000 photos and made lots of videos. I also write journal entries in a diary I plan to give to him when he is grown. Some people may think I'm obsessed and taking way too many pictures, but I disagree. I am able to review my pictures and practically rewatch my son grow. I don't want to forget a single milestone, and to me simply writing an entry in my journal isn't good enough. I must have pictures representing every special thing he does. If the unfortunate event of a fire occured at my residence the things I would grab first are my son, my cat and dog, pictures, video tapes, computer, and memory cards containing media. All of my pictures were on my computer at one time, and it crashed. I freaked. Not only was I crying hysterically, but I even became so upset I threw up. Not too many things in this world have that affect on me. Fortunately, the computer doctor I took my system to was able to recover all my media. I have since tripple backed my files up (flash drive, SD Card, and CD). I plan to open a safety deposit box, and put a copy of each of my cds in it for safe keeping, along with birth certificates and other important stuff.

For Some Good Parenting Resources Visit:

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Nothing Compares To Being A Mom!!!

I have a nine month old son, and I have never enjoyed doing or being anything more than a mom. He loves me so much, and it is obvious. My son makes me feel important and special, and he gives me the ambition to do my very best in school and life in general. In return, I try my best to make him happy, self confident, and secure. Parents determine how their child progresses developmentally, and I am doing everything possible to help him reach his maximum potential. Learning starts at birth, so why wait until preschool?

He is crawling all over now, and I played a huge role in him learing to crawl. I got on the floor with him, and I crawled. I also set up blocks and cheered and clapped for him each time he knocked them down. Then I would move the blocks out a few inches so he would have to move to get to them. I did this for three weeks, each day moving the blocks farther from him, and now he crawls everywhere. I work with him daily on colors, shapes, body parts, and emotions. I want to ensure he has the best possible chance to learn everything necessary to go to school prepared. I read him a book everyday that portrays the message, " I love you no matter what you do." I am the president of Parents as Students at my college, and we focus on child safety, abduction prevention, and story readings and playgroups. I also take him to a playgroup the first Wednesday of every month for Parents As Teachers. I enrolled in Brighter Visions, and I educate my son with their materials. I would totally recommend it to any mother.

I've written seven children's books, dedicated to my son. The series is called Austin Has A Conscience. Each book has a subtitle. Each book teaches a moral lesson. One of my books was published. It is called Austin Has A Conscience "Angie's Ponytail". It is the second book in he series. Book one will come out next year if it sells good. I 've already received my copies, but it won't be in stores until late April or early May. It is available for pre order at http://www.barnesandnoble.com.

One of my favorite things about having him is playing dress up with him. I love to dress him really stylish, comb his hair, and spray Tommy cologne on him so he looks and smells like a little man. One bad habit I have is letting him sleep with me in my bed everynight. Now if I try to put him in his own room he gets really upset. When he gets upset, so do I . This is why I try to do whatever is necessary to make him happy. It's a shame he won't sleep in his room. I designed his room while I was pregnant, and everyone who sees it says it is one of the most creative and nicest nursery's they have ever seen. Right now I am obsessing over my son's first birthday. He is having a pool party, and I am going to make sure it is perfect. I already made my list of people to invite, decorations, party favors, snack recipes, cacke description, games, and every other thing you can think of. His name is Austin Levi, and he was born on July 12, 2005.

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